Fire Safety

Port Underwood is a restricted fire area and a permit is required to have an open fire.

Phone (03) 520 7400 (Marlborough District Council) to obtain a permit. This number has recently changed, so please update your emergency contact list. See for more information.

As you are aware, if a fire occurs in Port Underwood the response time to get fire appliances on the scene means that each of us needs to take responsibility for reducing the risk of fire damage as much as possible. Some steps that can be taken include:

  • Clean dead leaves and needles from your roof and gutters. Remove overhanging branches;
  • Clear thick vegetation within 10 metres of buildings. Establish lawns, paths and drives between your house and flammable vegetation. Use less fire-prone vegetation. Store firewood and other combustibles away from the house;
  • Further out, thin the forest canopy by removing whole trees. Remove trees and limbs that are close to power lines, being careful not to hit any in the process.
  • Have access to attics and crawlspaces to put out spot fires;
  • Build decks from non-combustible materials. Line the undersides of eaves, balconies and overhangs with 12mm non-flammable sheathing; and
  • Install multi-purpose fire extinguishers and smoke detectors.

Check that your insurance will cover your buildings, vehicles, and contents. It should contain public liability to cover damage to others. It should also cover fire fighting costs for fires caused by you or started on your property. The following three links are three pages from a fire safety brochure:

Fire Brochure – Flamable plants

Fire brochure – plant less flamabe species

Fire brochure – defensible space

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