2015 AGM Minutes

AGM Meeting Minutes

AGM Meeting Minutes

3 January 2015

Port Underwood Association Inc

PO Box 59 Blenheim



Minutes of the Twenty Second Annual General Meeting

John Davison welcomed the members present at the Hinton Residence, Hakahaka Bay.   Members were invited to introduce themselves.

Present     Ken Roush, Susan Rutherford, Ali Kircher, Michael Blaschke, Anne Gregory-Hunt, Peter Gregory-Hunt, Greg Phillipson, Annabel Phillipson, Paul Blaschke, Diane Cranfield, David Whyte, Sara Roush, Lyn White, Terry Crispin, Peter Banks, Bryon Gleeson, Nadine Taylor, Dave Lindner, Rob Barclay, Ruth Simenson, Narelle Guard, Irene Ross, George Platts, Lawry Hinton, Mike Rutherford

Apologies  Maureen Joyce, Ray Joyce, Mike Milligan, John Sanders, Gill Sanders, Dan Fleming, Bec Fleming, Rosemary Rutherford, Carole McArthur, Jeremy Ward, Annie Ward, Eric Jorgensen, Josie Smith, Patsy Platts, John Fielding, Jane and Ian Skinner, James Perry, Bruce and Gill Hearn, June Caines, Jenny Kennedy, Terry and Gill Schwass

Minutes    The minutes of the last AGM, held 3rd January 2014 were confirmed as a true and correct record.

G Phillipson/ D Cranfield – Accepted

Chair’s Report  John Davison presented his annual report.

Topics covered:

  • Whataroa forest harvesting
  • Whangatoetoe Bay mussel farm approved
  • Treaty settlement for the area Ngati Toa Rangatira
  • Marlborough District Plan
  • Oyster bay Subdivision
  • PUA Website

The full Chair’s Report is available on the PUA website.

Treasurers Report    

Sara Roush presented the Financial Report

Sara overviewed the Associations accounts.

There are currently 111 paid up member and the Subs are to remain the same ($20.00) for the coming year.

That the Treasurers Report presented to the meeting be approved.

D Whyte/ A kircher – Accepted

Neighbourhood Support

Sara Roush gave an update on Neighbourhood Support.

2014 has been a very quiet year, with just two reports of minor burglaries. The Port Underwood Neighbourhood Support has joined up with the Blenheim Neighbourhood Support group. Updates on this are available on the website and in the Newsletter.

Tony Flood is asking for any possible emergency helicopter landing sites in the Port so he can determine the GPS co-ordinates for use by emergency services.

Ph: XXXXXXXXXXXXX (please send the details to the association’s e-mail address and we will arrange for Tony to contact you – phone details are not given on the website – addition to the minutes)

Neighbourhood Support stickers and signs were available to meeting attendees.

Sounds Advisory Group

Ken Roush advised the meeting that the Sounds Advisory Group held a meeting in Port Underwood last February that was attended by 15 members of the public. The group meets four times a year.

Topics discussed were

A trial surface on some areas of Port Underwood Road between White’s Bay and Robinhood Bay The purpose is to retain a small amount of moisture in the surface which will remain hard. This will reduce the dust and increase the time before corrugations develop hopefully out to a 6 to 8 month period.

  • Forestry on the Eastern side of Port Underwood. The MDC has ruled that public roads should not be used for transportation of logs from this site.

The review of the Marlborough Regional Policy Plan and Resource Management Plan continues and expected notification of the draft plans is July 2015 with an 80 day period for public submissions and hearings in March 2016. It should be finalised by September 2016.

As part of the central government review of Marine Protected Areas there is a discussion about creating a Recreational Fishing Reserve in the Marlborough Sounds. All discussions are in a state of flux at the moment but it is forecast that there will be a general document put out in February for review and feedback and then later a document more specific to the Recreational Fishing Reserve.

The Marlborough Sounds Integrated Management Trust has put out a request for persons interested to join a working party to establish an integrated management plan for the Marlborough Sounds. It will be called Marlborough Marine Futures (www.marlmarinefutures.co.nz). Two meetings are proposed, on March 8th and 22nd. The first is an open meeting but those attending should register first.

A full report from Ken Roush on the SAG is available on the website.

John Davison thanked Ken Roush for his contribution to the PUA.

Greg Phillipson notified the meeting of a website called NZTA On The Move where you can get notifications on road conditions or road crashes immediately. Sections of road can be singled out. See: https://onthemove.govt.nz

John Davison told the meeting he was putting a log on the website of road incidents and will include the NZTA website address.

Sara Roush talked about the PUA Newsletters, saying there had been great feedback on the articles relating to the history of Port Underwood. She asked for further contributions from members to add to future newsletters.

Paul Blaschke questioned Ken Roush on the Marlborough Marine futures forum. Ken explained that the Marlborough District Council is funding the formation of a Trust (Integrated Management Trust) and wants various groups to feed into this. It is currently in a formative stage.

Ali Kircher was thanked for her long service as committee member to the Association.

Election of Committee

President – John Davison – K Roush/ D Cranfield

Secretary/Treasurer – Sara Roush   -J Davison/ G Phillipson

Committee – Ken Roush, David Whyte, Greg Phillipson, David Lindner, Michael Baschke, Jeremy Ward, Arch Still

Ali Kircher thanked Lawry Hinton for having the AGM in his family home.

John Davison declared the meeting closed at 4pm.


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