Oyster Bay

Resource consent hearing

Notice has been received that the Resource Consent Hearing – U140707 Oyster Bay, Port Underwood originally set down for 20 January 2015 has now been postponed to 03 March 2015. Councillor Jamie Arbuckle would appear to be the hearing chairperson.

Application and submission

The Marlborough District Council has advised of recently receiving a Resource Consent Application number 140707 to subdivide 51 Hectares in Oyster Bay into 10 titles, creating 8 new sites with 7 housing sites ranging in size from 4000m to 8000m.

The Association’s response is enclose here:

U140707 PUA Submission final

In 2006/2007 a similar application was made (for Plan Change 15) to rezone 26 hectares in Oyster Bay from Rural 1 to Sounds Residential with the subsequent development of approximately 40 sections. A public meeting, attended by 50 PUA members, was held and an unopposed resolution passed for the Port Underwood Association to submit against the proposed Plan Change 15.

The Plan Change application was turned down by the MDC. It was then appealed to the Environment Court and was declined. It is apparent that this is a similar application and could be a precursor to further subdividing the area.

The basis for the previous objection included:

Amenity values. How will this rezoning and the high density of people it will create affect the character and values of Port Underwood.

Cumulative effects and precedent. Will this set a precedent for new, high-density housing projects in Port Underwood and what would be the cumulative effects of dramatically increasing the population in the area.

Roading. Will the additional people be detrimental to the existing roading system and is there concern about future travelling on the roads with the increased traffic.

Sewage pollution. Will a septic system be able to be designed and maintained to cope with the flooding history of Oyster Bay and not pollute the surrounding land, Oyster Bay and other parts of Port Underwood. Will there be a problem with water runoff and silting in Oyster Bay.

A further point of concern of the original application was the proposal for separate waste disposal to land for each plot. A member submitted that a central dedicated waste disposal facility was required to optimise safe dispersal and minimise the risk of flood damage and contamination of storm and sea water. This proposal for a central waste disposal facility was supported by the Environment Court at paragraphs 35-36. It has been noted that the applicant reverts to seeking individual waste disposal systems on each proposed lot. This is likely to be a commercial decision as the cost of a central scheme would fall on the developer whereas individual systems would be the responsibility of the owners of each lot. It is recorded in the decision document of the earlier application at paragraph (17) that at the appeal hearing the applicant altered the proposal by submitting a proposed development plan that included a common sewage disposal area. The development a central sewage disposal facility should be a priority from the outset if the subdivision is granted.

Landscaping. How will a concentrated subdivision affect the visual aspects of Oyster Bay and beyond.

Local Oyster Bay effects. As well as the effects listed above will there be effects localized to Oyster Bay such as water supply, slope stability, and views being blocked by a concentration of houses.

Sea / boating. How will a wharf and launching area already congested from residential and commercial usage cope with the increased number of users.

Benefits. Are there any benefits to the Port Underwood area in general and to Oyster Bay in particular.

Background information

There is a lot of information available in respect of the previous application. This is enclosed below:

PC15 final submission

Submission on Proposed Plan Change 15 100707

Evidence of Kenneth Russell Roush PC15 090325

ENV-2007-CHC-305 PUA Evidence – Jorgensen[0.2]


ENV-2007-CHC-305 PUA Evidence – Beattie

MDCOyster BayDecision Report

Plan Change 15 Submission_SummaryOyster_BayFeb_07.ashx

Plan Change 15 Environment Court Decision document

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